About us

The Development and Emergency Relief Initiative is an organization that uses technologies in providing solutions to some of Africa’s most devastating crisis and epidemics impeding growth and prosperity, hindering the livelihood of communities with the goal of promoting healthier life habits, fostering education and enhancing sustainable development

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Our values

Our slogan Supporting Young People Across Africa demonstrates our desire to foster social responsibilities and the emphasis we place on the positive advancement of persons and communities. We act on four core values which indeed governs our daily activities:

We cherish and honour the network and partnership of multiple actors as part of the development process. We ease collaboration, communication and resources to enable that women, girls, children and underrepresented communities partake and share in decision making and community engagement. We understand that we cannot succeed all on our own without partnership and thoughtful cooperation. We work to create a deep understanding of the context and embed advance technology and communication technics within any approach utilised to promote inclusive resilient development.

We are agile, dynamic and embrace the programme to the context. We continuously and intentionally conduct thorough research to identify how we can strengthen our approach to support young people across Africa. We indulge in sensitization, youth empowerment and entrepreneurship to render communities and people independent in a fast changing and competitive world

We ensure accountability by making sure that we lead by example in all communities we operate, to influence inclusive and equitable development. We recognise that organizations like ours are the hope of many communities around the world and are responsible for the needs and priorities of marginalized groups. We learn from mistakes and adjust our interventions as needed by those we serve. We are an integral part of planning preparation, decision making, implementing and reporting in all outcome areas.

We acknowledge the fact that girls, women and children are the most vulnerable in situation of crisis, climate change and natural disaster. We also know that, they are best placed to know what is right for them. We partner at community, national and regional levels to support those at risk of being marginalised and advocate for their access to information and opportunities irrespective of age, sex, ethnicity or religious believes.
Our Programmes

Our core mission is to assist and guide organizations into designing, and implementing digital communication in emergencies while enhancing Sustainable Development through corporate social responsibilities. With a compass vision of working towards the realization of the SDGs, we pay prominent attention to Quality Education for all, Good health and nutrition, youth empowerment and Entrepreneurship.

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Enhancing sustainable development through corporate social responsibilities
Why invest in young people ?

The youth agenda is very vital, not just for Africa, but for the world in general as we are talking of a population size of over 1.9 billion. In some places around the continent like West or Central Africa, the youth constitute over 60% of the total population. Governments are able to provide employability for barely 10% of the total populace which constitutes the youth. Investing in the youth, especially the girl child is proven to be one of the best means we have to transform the social and economic condition of Africa. Young people don’t only form the majority of the population, but are also the greatest asset and threat to the continent.

Youth empowerment is still greatly underfunded; the demographic dividend of the continent greatly rest on the becoming of young people. They stand the chance of contributing exponentially to economic growth if given access to opportunities, educational facilities, good health and nutrition, but also provided the conducive environment to progress.

Nonetheless, young people could also pose a serious threat to the continent if not enabled with these tools, as they are generally an avenue towards insurgency, peace and insecurity. DERI works to transform humanitarian afflicted areas by fostering social responsibilities through strategic partnership and innovative financing. By combining resources, we help deliver sustainable impact for the most vulnerable at the local and continental level.

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